Experience an exciting interactive game-based program
that develops Thinking Skills & Learning Potential
Since 2008
If ‘Education’ is supposed to develop ‘Thinking Skills’ and ‘Learning Abilities’, why are these not imparted to children first? At Konshius, our sole focus is to nurture the full potential of every child. We have been using game-play as a medium for developing lifelong Cognitive and Socio-Emotional skills in children aged 4-15 years since 2008.
We started our research in 2003 with this ‘Theory of Change’ – if the objective of Education is to develop Thinking Skills and Mental Abilities in children, why are these not delivered directly? If these skills should be at the core of the child’s learning, why are they not delivered ahead of delivering academic content? What means and methods should be used to develop these skills in all children, irrespective of socio-economic-cultural or academic background?
In 2007, our path-breaking findings were crystallized by observing how children learn from game-play. With this, we designed Game-Based Learning, also known as GBL. Since then, we have been researching how children respond and react to various play-based situations. The result is a comprehensive system of 11 exciting games that develop various Cognitive, Emotional & Social Skills in kids aged 4-15.
Each of these games have a vertically progressive learning system. Each game talks to all the other games to reinforce learning from one game when playing the other games. This system of creating a spiral connection between various game playing experiences is a global game changer in the way education is perceived and delivered. And, Konshius is at the forefront of this radical shift in delivering education.